Our team can help you get additional profits for downloadable products and monetize search traffic. With our technology you will get income without annoying users. Our special tools and internal algorithms will help you to improve ads acquisition quality. In partnership with anti fraud industry solutions we guarantee long work cycle without bans and locks.
Make profit after each download
This is how it works:
1. Download the product
Downloading of the product happens almost instantly due to the fastest server around the world, that we use.
2. The process of installation
Software will be installed automatically in a minutes after downloading. We design each launcher individually for your product.
3. Additional offers
We offer users install additional products, while downloading your software. User can ether agree of disagree with installations.
4. Payment
You will make profit after every complete installation.
More than that, your products will go global
Due to our systems, your products will reach global level and you will receive even more profit after worldwide installations.
You can get online up-to-date analytics
Receive complete information about all the distribution of all your products from more than 30 levels of data based on s2s post-back.
Our team will create a unique individual solution for your products promotion.
We create a unique promotional offer for each one of your product, based on its content. We will find right solution for any product you want to monetize.
MacOS and Windows’s Suggestions
Customers will be able to install all the software for both operating systems.
Easy security management
It’s up to you to allow or deny our toolbar suggestions, extensions, restrictions.
Your products will revive many worldwide installations on Windows or MacOS
Besides, instead of one-time installers, you will get loyal users and customers.
We prefer not to show your offers to the clients, but select the moment, when the client is ready to download the application. We prefer to stay away from aggressive advertising.
No Bots!
We have the multilevel filtering system to eliminate all bots, so our clients only pay for real installations by users who agreed to test their products.
We offer precise targeting!
You can track users by: Operating system, Browser, Country, City and Language. You can also set negative targeting for users who have already installed certain software.
1. Introduce the search window
We will help you with developing of your product’s search box. Our team of experts will lead you through all the process, so you need no coding!
2. The search performance
While searching for information and depending on the structure of the search, users are redirected to Yahoo or Bing browser. Otherwise the result will appear in you application.
3. Payment
Every click on advertisement by your customers while searching will bring you profit.
The highest turnover are direct channels!
Since our company only use direct referrals from Yahoo and Bing - we offer you the highest pay. You need no middle man to get maximum profit possible from your products.
You can monetize any product!
We offer custom monetization of any product:
Mobile Applications
Mobile Launches
Browser Extensions
Write us a few sentences about you idea or project, or just send us your contact info and our manager will get in touch with you as soon as possible.
Sanders Soft LTD
Neophytos Nikolaides Street 61, Yiannis court, Paphos, 8011, Cyprus